
First competition of Packaging mediterranean

Mediterranean Award for Packaging

With the Mediterranean Award for Packaging we want to enhance and reward the commitment of those Italian and foreign companies , with particular reference to the Mediterranean basin that invest  in improving the image of their product.
The Award is open to companies producing and bottling and is restricted to the packaging of wine, including the bag-in -box , and extra virgin olive oil . The packaging must comply with the EU regulations.

Regulations 2013

ARTICLE 1 Promoter Collaborating organizations
“Egnews” and   “ Oliovinopeperoncino” , web newspapers  about food and wine , in partnership with the Institute of Secondary Education “Mattarella – Dolci” of Castellammare del Golfo (Tp ) and the Institute of Ferrara Vergani , organize the “1st Competition of Packaging Mediterranean” with the aim to enhance the best  dressing of the wine and oil and reward the effort of vineyards and olive-growing countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the continuous improvement of their image .

ARTICLE 2 Organization and responsibilities
The Club Oliovinopeperoncino publisher of the web newspapers:  Egnews  and Oliovinopeperoncino  will  organize  the 1st Competition of Packaging Mediterranean.

ARTICLE 3 Who can participate
All the wine  companies and the  olive growing that are located in the following countries can  participate to  the 1st Competition of Packaging Mediterranean  : Italy , Israel, Palestine, Lebanon , Syria , Turkey , Cyprus, Malta , Greece , Monaco , France , Spain , Portugal ; Morocco , Libya , Tunisia , Algeria , Egypt , Croatia , Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina , Albania and Montenegro.
Companies can participate with packs of wines and olive oil produced. For packaging it is meant everything used for dressing  the product : bottle, closure , capsule, label, back label , collar , pendant, seals (excluding the outer packaging ). Only these details will be  evaluated  by the Jury.

ARTICLE 4 Where to send samples
1 . Sample shipment by courier at
“Oliovinopeperoncino “ Via del Puisaro 17 / B 44020 Goro (Ferrara )
for samples coming  from Puglia, Abruzzo, Molise, Lazio, Umbria, Marche, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Veneto, Friuli V. G., Trentino Alto Adige, Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’ Aosta. or from Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, Croatia, France, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Slovenia, Bosnia – Herzegovina.
2 .Sample shipment by courier at
“Institute of  Secondary Education  Mattarella-Dolci”  Via A.Fleming, 19  – 91014 Castellammare del
Golfo (Trapani)
for samples from : Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata, Campania and Sardiniia or from  Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Malta, Palestine and Cyprus.

ARTICLE 5 Competing products
The products presented on the 1st Competition of Packaging Mediterranean , without any regard to  the capacity of the bottles, are divided into the following categories:

white wines
01) still white wine bottles
02) sparkling white wine bottles
03)  sparkling white wine Charmat bottles
04) sparkling white wine bottles Classic Method
05 raisin or liqueur white wine bottles
red wines
06) still red wine bottles
07) sparkling red wine bottles
08) sparkling red wine Charmat bottles
09) raisin  or liqueur red wine bottles
rosè wines
10) still claret or rosè wine bottles
11) sparkling rosè or claret wine bottles 
12) sparkling rosè or claret wine Charmat bottles
13) sparkling rosè or claret wine Classic Method bottles
14) raisin or liqueur  rosè or claret  wine bottles
Special category bag-in-box
150) bag-in-box packaging
Extra virgin olive oils in glass packaging
501) extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil packaging  in aluminium, steel or other technologically modern containers with the exclusion of plastic
507) extra virgin olive oil
151) Regional Innovation Award
The packaging of those products that do not fall into the above mentioned  categories will not enter the competition.

ARTICLE 6 Registration fees
Each company can submit a packaging for each category referred to in article 5.
Each company can submit up to  5 samples. The samples are composed of two identical bottles of any size.
The samples  that do not comply with the categories provided will not be returned to the companies
The registration fee is:
€30  for the first sample composed of two packs,
€10  for the second sample,
€5 for the third, fourth  and fifth samples.
The registration fee must be paid by bank transfer to “ Club  Oliovinopeperoncino Editore “ IBAN IT71Z0103067270000001153720 or through Pay pal.
The packaging presented will not be returned to the companies.

ARTICLE 7 Registration and deadlines
Registration and delivery of samples are valid from 15th October, 2013 to 21st April, 2014 for the wines and   from 15th november, 2013 to 20th March, 2014 for the oils.
Each sample must be sent by the presenting company by courier or mail by the date mentioned above

ARTICLE 8 Responsibilities and deadlines of the received goods
The organizers decline all responsibility for any late arrival of samples , for the total or partial loss of the samples, alterations or damage to the packaging, for breakage or other malfunctions occurring during the transport.
Irregular samples will be automatically excluded from the competition and will not be returned.

ARTICLE 9 Responsibility of the received samples
From the receivement  to the presentation  of the bottles to the jury, the organisers will keep  the samples with care in order to ensure, at the highest levels, the integrity of the packaging

ARTICLE 10 Technical juries
There will be two technical juries, one based in Ferrara and one in Castellammare del Golfo, chosen by the Club Oliovinopeperoncino each composed of six experts in the field
The technical juries will set the evaluation criteria, and will issue final judgments.
To respect the privacy  of the participating companies, only the list of award-winning packaging will be published.
Ample space will be provided to the partecipating companies on  Egnews and Oliovinopeperoncino web sites  and  comments  may be made  on social networks

ARTICLE 11 Prizes
For every single category a packaging  will be selected and given  a “ Gold Label”.
For each category, a company can obtain a single award.
The jury  may award  a special mention to the packaging which  receives  the best  reviews

ARTICLE 12 Awards and popular jury
The samples of each category which have received an award will be subject to popular vote via the web to compete for the special prize :”Golden Label 2014″,  respectively for the categories of wines and oils

ARTICLE 13 Prize giving ceremony
The proclamation of the winning packaging  is planned during  the “ 7° Rassegna enologica–olearia “ of the “I.I.S.Mattarella-Dolci” which will be held in Alcamo from  May 16th  to May 18th, 2014.
The award-winning packaging  will enjoy  a special promotional action  on  Egnews and Oliovinopeperoncino newspapers.

ARTICLE 14 Region /Country codes
22 Abruzzo,
23 Molise,
24 Lazio,
25 Umbria,
26 Marche,
27 Tuscany,
28 Emilia Romagna,
29 Liguria,
30 Veneto,
31 Friuli-Venezia Giulia,
32 Trentino Alto Adige ,
33 Lombardy,
34 Piedmont,
35 Valle d’Aosta,
361 Israel,
372 Lebanon,
373 Syria,
374 Turkey,
375 Croatia,
376 France,
377 Spain,
378 Portugal,
379 Monaco,
380 Slovenia,
381  Bosnia and Herzegovina,
36 Sicily,
37 Calabria,
38 Basilicata,
382  Morocco,
383 Libya,
384 Tunisia,
385 Algeria,
386 Egypt,
387 Greece,
388 Albania,
389 Montenegro,
390  Malta,
391 Palestine,
392 Cyprus.

The Club reserves the right to change or modify these regulations  at any time deemed necessary.

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Club olio vino peperoncino editore ha messo on line il giornale quotidiano gestito interamente da giornalisti dell’enogastronomia. EGNEWS significa infatti enogastronomia news. La passione, la voglia di raccontare e di divertirsi ha spinto i giornalisti di varie testate a sposare anche questo progetto, con l’obiettivo di far conoscere la bella realtà italiana.

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